Golden Records Online
User Guide For Clubs

Age Groups

This manages all the age groups available.
View records will show all score records for that age group.
In the event of duplicate values, clicking Merge Duplicates will merge all duplicate age groups into a single entry and update all scores and club records accordingly.
If standard age groups are missing the Load MissingAge Groups tool will allow missing age groups to be added.
A age group can be Archived by clicking the button.  To restore an age group switch to the Archived view and click  
At the present time neither Archery GB nor World Archery recognise Non-Binary archers.  The standard built in groups reflect what is currently in WA and AGB rules.
If desired a Non-Binary age group could be added as say Non-Binary U21 but the gender would still need to be set as either Male or Female and the Lookup (for UK classifications) set as Women U21 or Men U21 for compatibility with the system.  Golden Records will be updated to fully reflect Non-Binary archers when the Governing bodies update their rules.