Golden Records Online
User Guide For Clubs

Custom Certificates

Creating A Certificate  
You can upload your own certificate(s).  The requirements are set out below:
The certificate file must be PDF (Portable Document Format).  Many programs such as MS Word or MS PowerPoint offer the option to save as PDF.  There are also online PDF creating websites or freeware PDF tools for desktop.
In order for Golden Records to be able to replace the placeholders with the relevant text the PDF must be editable.  A PDF of an image will not work.
There are 5 placeholders for specific information.  These must be exactly as specified.  They are:
Archer name #NAME#
Club name #CLUB NAME#
Achievement #ACHIEVEMENT#
Date #DATE#
Logo #LOGO#
Whatever font style these are in in the certificate file will be overwritten by the styles set in Golden Records.  Text will always have a white background irrespective of the background colour.
All placeholders do not have to be present, if not present they are ignored.
To upload your certificate save it locally and browse to it in Golden Records, give it a name and click Upload.  Once uploaded Certificates cannot be edited, but they can be deleted and replaced.
Personal certificates can be deleted, but not the built in certificates.  Any customisation of built in certificates is user specific.