Edit a Member
Date Joined
The date they joined the club.
Optional, use if desired.
Email Address
Optional, use if desired. The Consent to Club Emails is a means to assist the club with data protection and privacy laws.
Membership ID
Optional, use if desired.
Set if under 18. If a Junior set both the Junior switch and enter a date of birth. Dates of birth are used to check the age group when adding scores.
Age Option
Golden Records can track member ages based on either an actual birth date or their age in the current year. Golden Records uses the WA and Archery GB system where a member ages out of their age group in the year they exceed the upper limit. For example, an archer in the Under 16 age group will age out on the 1 January of the year in which they become 16 even if their birthday is not until November.
Either Age or Actual Birth Date can be used for different members. In the case of using Age the birth date will be stored as 01/01/YYYY where YYYY is the year calculated by subtracting their age from the current year. Their age should be the age they will be this year, not the age they currently are.
If an age is entered it will automatically update with time.
Disable Age Checking
This disables age checking on score entry (that the score is being entered in a valid age group).
Disable Joined Checking
Disables checking if the score date is before the member joined the club.
Default Age Group
The default age group for the archer - for example Women U14.
This only has effect to assist score entry. The age group of scores are stored with the score. Changing this has no effect on score records. Unless age checking is disabled for junior age groups this will automatically update with age. Ignored when adding to waiting list.
Default Bow Style
Select their default bow style - for example Recurve. This does not mean they cannot shoot any other type of bow, this value is just used as a default when adding scores. Ignored when adding to waiting list.
Membership Grade
Emergency Contact Information
Optional, use if desired.
Coaching Level
Optional, use if desired.
Optional, use if desired. Can be used to store information about the member.
Archiving keeps a former member in the database, but removes them from view in score tables etc. They will not appear in drop down lists for selection.
Use this to delete the member. This will delete all related score data with the exception of an option to keep any Club Records