Golden Records Online
User Guide For Clubs

Membership Fees

The Membership Fees page manages club subscriptions.
For each type of subscription the line shows the different rates.  They are shown separately to assist in accounting and determining amounts collected.  However, a single sum could be used is wished.  Depending on Club rules the date for affiliation fees may be different from club fees.  A member can have multiple subscriptions but only one of each type at a time.  Two Adult subscriptions would be consecutive, but an Adult subscription and Affiliation Fees could run at the same time.
The Expires Month shows the month in which that subscription expires and the day on which it expires.  If the day entered exceeds the number of days in the month, it will expire on the last day of the month.  The Frequency enables multiple years to be added.  Entering 5 in this box would mean a subscription that lasted 5 years.
When a subscription is added that Expires on 31 October each year and the member joined the Club on 30 June that year the subscription will expire on 31 October the same year.  When adding subscriptions to a member there is an option to credit unused periods.  If the member already has a subscription of that type that expired on 31 October, the expiry date will become 31 October the following year.