Scores Transfer
This page enables transfer (copying) of member score history between clubs. Both clubs need to be involved and they must have the consent of the member as it involves the transmission of personal information. The original club can copy a member's scores to their new club given the unique ID of the member on the new club's version of Golden Records.
Data is not lost from the original club, it is simply imported into the new club's records. The original club will still have all the data.
The data transfer only involves scores, achievements, handicaps and classifications (depending on region). Score data includes scoresheets, archer's notes, equipment and sight marks where used. Club Records are not included. Subscriptions, user logins, payments etc are NOT exported.
Duplicate data is not exported so this system can be used to update other clubs and organisations.
Scores transferred by this process bypass Score Approval if set.
It is possible to both receive and transmit scores.
The transfer function is member specific and is accessed from the members list at
Click the Transfer button against the member's name to start
Receiving Scores
If you are the receiving club you need to give the sending club a transfer code that is unique to that member, this identifies your member to the sending club.
Sending Scores
If you are the sending club you need the transfer code from the receiving club that identifies the receiving member to you. Enter the code in the box and check the boxes to confirm you have the relevant consents and authorisations. These are logged.
Click Start Transfer.
A pop up box will confirm the name of the member whose scores are being transferred and the name of the person they are being sent to.
IMPORTANT - The transfer is name ignorant, it uses the internal unique id of each member. It is therefore quite possible to transfer scores of John Smith to Jane Doe if the wrong transfer code is used. Check the receiving name is the one expected.
If the details are correct check the box to acknowledge they are correct. This is also logged.
Then click Proceed
IMPORTANT - The process of transfer cannot now be stopped
Progress of the transfer will now be shown and the results indicated.