Golden Records Online
User Guide For Clubs

Personal Bests

This shows personal bests for each member ranked against other members.
A score with a rank of 4 means that although it is a personal best for that member there are three other members with a better personal best.
Type indicates if the personal best is unique to that Member or is shared with another member.
By default the page compare personal bests to those one month previously.  If there has been a change in that period it is indicated by the Status becoming "Improved".  If the rank of the personal best has changed it is indicated by Rank Change and the change in rank shown in the Change in Rank column.
So if a Member had a personal best for a round ranked 4 one month previously and it is now rank 5 the Rank Change will be "Down" and the Change in Rank -1.
The table can be filtered by Round or by Member and the period of assessment can be changed to up to 1 year previously.
Select the date for assessment then the desired baseline.  The table will then show changes in personal best compared to the baseline date.